van der rohe vs gaudi

 Akyles D.

van der Rohe and Gaudi are architects capable and recognized for styles of grandeur and beauty in two different ways. In the pursuit to create beautiful and grand architecture they both used color and pattern to accentuate their creations, this is probably the only similarity between the two men. van der Rohe had a house he designed that expresses modernity and its grandeur, if that makes sense. van der Rohe's house is open, its beauty lies in the open spaces and the use of glass that makes defining where the house begins and the surrounding nature end's. Now to its grandeur, how does a small house, surrounded by large trees look so large? it is a small dwelling for one person maybe even a couple, married or otherwise, its small but appears large or maybe we are just used to seeing houses of the same size as more suffocating. it's in the use of glass instead of cement or brick walls and open space or usable space, both maybe that make it bigger than what we are used to seeing. as for Gaudi he's textbook in the sense that his grand buildings are large structures of cement, bricks and mortar. their beauty is found in their ornate and complex nature inspired architecture, in their texture and materials. Gaudi had a beautifully unique style, but its foundation is still in the classics. 


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