la invention de lo classico

 Akyles D Bonet Santiago

The classics art first glance seems to have their focus around grandeur and ornateness. Most of the ones shown in the lesson have religious purpose and imagery or displays. Their size is seen as a marble of engineering for the time when they were built. Some of them have been through hell, literally, disfigurement, fires and explosions and that's only the Greek ones, they say the path to heaven goes through hell and with the size of the cathedrals and their ornate and extravagant styles they are godly art pieces (pardon the dad joke). love the ornateness hate the size, their just too big . . . 

never thought I'd be the one to say that. . . anyways. 

The size is ridicules to me because the amount of new technology that was created and imagined for each individual project or just a specific part of them is unnecessary, amazing but unnecessary. the classics, from what I understand, are iconic monuments and symbols of their respective eras, locations, cultures and ideals or a change in some or all the aforementioned. 

to summarize the classics are old, arquitectural marbles, excessive yet amazing and can survive . . . time, I guess.  


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