sistema espacial y material

 Akyles D.

Sistema espacial the amount of space that is usable or unusable, accessible or inaccessible sometimes wither it serves a function or not depends on how its seen-on whether or not you're a glass halve full or halve empty kind of person. Then there is a "Sistema material" in which the construct needs to be able to complete or fulfill its purpose or assignment the designer or architect strives to accomplish this by using and incorporating the right material that will survive the wear and tear, the forces of nature or the destructive tendencies of man. 

During the classroom lecture regarding the aforementioned mentioned topics, I found myself spacing out every now and again. Make no mistake it's not that the class was uninteresting, on the contrary it was stimulating constant thought most of which could be considered intrusive thoughts. one of the thoughts i found myself spaced out on while the lecture carried on was the idea of a perfect spacial system and a "oddly perfect" material system, let me explain. Could you imagine the traditionally perfect house in a country that can experience very cold temperatures but doesn't snow often maybe during 2 or 3 months of the year (this is important to the story) a two-story large house with an angled roof to prevent snow from accumulating a hose that is maybe 2 rooms away from being considered a small mansion? now imagine moving into such a hose the first thing you do is move the furniture and its easy a little too easy like whatever the floor is made of causes almost no friction, and you start to get concerned that the furniture might end up slipping and sliding all over the living room with a minimal amount of force. No matter this giant house was a steal there was bound to be something fishy about it but it nothing you and your family can't handle. now you try to decorate the walls but the nails they won't go in, you tried the hammer you tried the drill, but the nails won't go in the wall, but that's ok that's what two-sided tape is for but It won't stick, it refuses to stick to the wall. This... this is when it dawns on you that this perfect space that you got for a mysteriously affordable price is completely unusable.

and then i heard blah blah . . . blah? in the background and realized by the intonation that the professor asked a question, I looked down at my watch and realized that id been thinking about the irony of the perfect unusable space for at least 8 minutes. sorry professor.


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