i blame you, not sure for what yet but still, You!

 Akyles D. 

 So, class is over, and I decide that instead of taking the bus I'm going to walk home which it's about an hour, but I like the walk, it's nice even with the sweating and exhaustion. Now, however, its ruined and I can't decide if it's because I can't un-see all the mismatching of styles and architecture or because I can see just how little beauty it actually has, let me explain.

So, I'm walking home and what do I see:

1. I see a tree but why is it there it's not part of a row of trees, yet it's clearly been put here on purpose I can tell because its branches and its Leafs are cut in some places presumably to keep its shape but again why? if anything, it's in the way, the tree is in a street corner not only that but if one is trying to go either enter the side street/neighborhood or exit and join the main road they can't see onto incoming traffic until the front of their car is sticking out and probably in the way that is if they don't cause and accident what kind of person thought that having that tree there was a good and/or stylish choice.

2. The store I can't tell you how many stores I walked past who's design pissed me off. Having taken a class in stile and ornamentation I can't unsee all of the mistakes, the most egregious one being the number of businesses that only had a name and no description of what was actually done in the "store" or of what services they provided or facilitated was astonishing, that alone has to be 20% of the reason many new businesses fail.

3. I found half a basketball court. It had a well-made hoop, the free throw and three-point lives were drawn precisely, and they looked pretty new, but I know that no responsible parent will ever let their kids, regardless of whether they are nineteen and on their first year of college, allow them to play there. why? because the court is built in the triangular-ish area where two streets meet and become one. meaning if the ball goes out of bounds to the left of the rim its basically in the middle of a busy street of it goes to the right of the rim guess what also a busy street. if the ball exists the square that is the half court and then the, at best, two feet of sidewalk that constitute the rest of the triangle the ball is now in a street where the speed limit is 35 but people drive as if its 45 . . . on a slow day. the person that thought that building a half court, decorating and making it stylish in the middle of these streets should be fired.

moral of the story: some peoples style and decorations are just so stupid but if you're not paying attention you'll barely notice and maybe even consider it beautiful.


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