
Showing posts from March, 2024

i blame you, not sure for what yet but still, You!

 Akyles D.   So, class is over, and I decide that instead of taking the bus I'm going to walk home which it's about an hour, but I like the walk, it's nice even with the sweating and exhaustion. Now, however, its ruined and I can't decide if it's because I can't un-see all the mismatching of styles and architecture or because I can see just how little beauty it actually has, let me explain. So, I'm walking home and what do I see: 1. I see a tree but why is it there it's not part of a row of trees, yet it's clearly been put here on purpose I can tell because its branches and its Leafs are cut in some places presumably to keep its shape but again why? if anything, it's in the way, the tree is in a street corner not only that but if one is trying to go either enter the side street/neighborhood or exit and join the main road they can't see onto incoming traffic until the front of their car is sticking out and probably in the way that is if they d

sistema espacial y material

 Akyles D. Sistema espacial the amount of space that is usable or unusable, accessible or inaccessible sometimes wither it serves a function or not depends on how its seen-on whether or not you're a glass halve full or halve empty kind of person. Then there is a "Sistema material" in which the construct needs to be able to complete or fulfill its purpose or assignment the designer or architect strives to accomplish this by using and incorporating the right material that will survive the wear and tear, the forces of nature or the destructive tendencies of man.  During the classroom lecture regarding the aforementioned mentioned topics, I found myself spacing out every now and again. Make no mistake it's not that the class was uninteresting, on the contrary it was stimulating constant thought most of which could be considered intrusive thoughts. one of the thoughts i found myself spaced out on while the lecture carried on was the idea of a perfect spacial system and a &